#Xojo windows checkbox toggle with keyboard code#
I’ve tried Input, that blocks threads, I’ve tried stdin.ReadLine and stdin.Read, those wait for one last Enter before allowing code execution to continue, I’ve tried stdin.ReadAll, that doesn’t seem to read keyboard input (at least in Windows) and commands are sent to the cmd window after execution completes. For example, when you see the shortcut Ctrl+O or -O, it means to hold down the Control key on a Windows or Linux computer and then press the O key or hold down the key on OS X and the press the O key. What I’m trying to get at is a keyboard routine that will no block, allow threads to run and not pause the shutdown of the program (or thread) by waiting for one last Enter to be sent to the console, while also allowing scrollback history using up arrow (I can let this slip). On Windows and Linux, the Ctrl key is the modier on OS X, the (Command) key is the modier.

Press the Alt key (Ctrl on Windows) in combination with the mouse wheel or horizontal trackpad gesture. Use the left and right arrow cursor keys. One click for app-store ready device builds, without the headache of maintaining native SDKs. Change Page: Click and change the value in the lower left text field. Write, debug, and test apps all inside your IDE (IntelliJ, Eclipse, VSCode or NetBeans) using the Codename One simulator. Windows XP: No Control Panel changes are necessary. Select Not Assigned in the Switch Keyboard Layout section, and then click OK as needed. Click the Advanced Key Settings tab, and then click Change Key Sequence. I guess I’m looking for a crossplatform ReadConsoleInput Press the Alt key (Ctrl on Windows) in combination with the mouse wheel or trackpad gesture. Choose the Keyboards and Languages tab, and then click Change Keyboards. However, if I use Input it blocks all processing even in threads spawned before calling Input, where as if I use stdin.ReadLine I dont have this issue.ĭoes anyone know why does the “equivalent” call does not have equivalent functionality? The documentation for Input says that “Input is equivalent to a call to the ReadLine method of the StandardInputStream class.”
Use these events of the window : Sub Paint (g As Graphics, areas () As REALbasic.Rect) if self.focus <> nil then system.DebugLog me.focus.Name+' has focus.' else system.I thread out my loop for keyboard handling so that it doesnt impact/pause the main loop. Norman suggestion is to be checked as well. but I’m having some issues I was hoping someone else has solved already. I’m playing around with a console (Windows), trying to get keyboard input into it for simple things like showing stats etc.